Subject: XF86_S3 2.1 server and mmap
To: None <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/24/1994 18:06:37
I just upgraded to XFree86 2.1 and noticed the following server
startup message:

	checkDevMem: warning: failed to mmap /dev/mem (Invalid argument)
        	linear fb access unavailable

I recall a recent message indicating that /dev/vga should be mmap'ed
instead of /dev/mem. Is anyone working on this? I assume that it's not
as simple as changing the reference from "/dev/mem" to "/dev/vga"?

Scott Bartram                    Pulse Systems             301-470-6000             12101 Indian Creek Court
uunet!deneb!scottb               Beltsville, MD 20705
