Subject: Re: time for port-ppc?
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- Iowa State University <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/07/1994 22:13:14
cgd writes:
>some guy writes:
>> However, there are multiprocessor PCs (short for mpc)
>> available quite cheaply. My question is, is there
>> enough interests in parallizing the NetBSD kernel?
>yeah. buy me one of those 'quite cheap' machines, and i'd
>be glad to work on it! 8-)
I wondered about this two. The PowerPC CPU (and Alpha) are supposed
to be twice the performance at half the price of an Intel CPU, and we're
supposed to believe a two-CPU Intel box is going to be "cheap"? ;-)
Michael L. VanLoon Iowa State University Computation Center Project Vincent Systems Staff
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