Subject: Re: Weirdnesses with Saturday's sources...
To: Dave Burgess <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <cgd@postgres.Berkeley.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 05/15/1994 22:31:36
> 2. I now am having a problem (that was previously reported) with vi
> not wanting to talk to the screen. I checked the status with 'ps' and
> it says that vi is blocking with an 'S+' status. No big deal, it works
> great on the VT102. Any ideas why?
bug in i386/conf.c; fixed a few minutes ago.
> 3. Has any done anything to the floppy drive code lately. Whenever I
> try to access a floppy using the fd0d device (as in mount -t msdos...)
you should most likely be using 'fd0a' for this, not fd0d...