Subject: tar archives & sup
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/31/1994 10:28:58
The tar_files on both and sun-lamp are dated May 13.
I would appreciate it if someone could update them, especially since
cgd has told us that it's safe to upgrade with Sunday's sources. :-)
Also, has anyone hacked sup so that it can run without a local source
tree, on a non-NetBSD machine? My NetBSD box at home has no net
access, but I do have net access from a Sun. Disk space is at a
premium on the Sun, so I can't keep a copy of the tree there. What I
would like is a version of sup that can grab all files from the server
modified after a given date and stuff them into a .tar.gz archive.
Also included would be a shell script to delete old files. Then I
could download and extract the .tar.gz archive, run the update script,
and my tree would be up to date. Has anyone done anything like that?
Mike Long
VLSI Design Engineer
Analog Devices, SPD Division
Norwood, MA 02062 USA assert(*this!=opinionof(Analog));