Subject: vm_fault panic during mknod on full filesystem
To: netbsd-current-users <>
From: Thomas Eberhardt <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/18/1994 02:21:32
I just had a vm_fault panic during the execution of MAKEDEV on my
emergency floppy. The crash occured during a mknod on the already
full floppy (there were 0 blocks and 6 fragments free) as the system
tried to expand the /dev directory.
My kernel (source & binary) is from 17-Jun-94.
/ Thomas Eberhardt <> \ Moo! (__)
| Center for Complex Systems and Visualization (CeVis) |_________/--------(oo)
| University of Bremen, FB 3, Bibliothekstr. 1 | * |______||\/
\_o_ D-28359 Bremen, Germany, FAX: +49 421 218-4236 _o_/ ^^ ^^