Subject: Re: fsck -c 2 , superblock etc.
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/28/1994 22:51:27
Here's a trivial patch to wd.c to avoid the crash (you instead get a
CANNOT READ BLOCK xxx error, which is much less nasty..)
- Bill
*** 1.6 1994/06/17 13:34:24
--- wd.c 1994/06/29 02:48:42
*** 343,348 ****
--- 343,349 ----
/* Valid unit, controller, and request? */
if (lunit >= wdcd.cd_ndevs || bp->b_blkno < 0 ||
howmany(bp->b_bcount, DEV_BSIZE) >= (1 << NBBY) ||
+ ((bp->b_bcount & (DEV_BSIZE-1)) != 0) ||
(wd = wdcd.cd_devs[lunit]) == 0) {
bp->b_error = EINVAL;
bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;