Subject: Re: kerberos?
To: Thorsten Lockert <>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/16/1994 18:40:25
>Including integration with all the pertaining user-space stuff?

I mailed in patches for rlogin, rsh, rlogind, rshd, passwd, etc.  I watched
as they were dropped because of time considerations, but s/key was added.
The Kerberos diffs I sent in should have patched cleanly or near-cleanly.

>Including NFS?  That is what I have given to core, except for the

I never did NFS though.


Michael Graff                 <>
1304 Florida #3               (515) 296-2735
Ames, IA  50014           PGP key on a server near YOU! 
