Subject: Adaptec 1742
To: None <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- Iowa State University <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/03/1994 20:13:43
My take on this whole thing is: why support a company who actively
discourages using their products on your favorite OS?  I certainly
don't want to send them *my* money.  I see no good reason to go to
great lenghts to buy something from a company who doesn't want me
running their product anyway.  Especially when there are cards just as
good, if not better, for similar money (possibly even less, though I'm
not sure what happend to the price of the 1742 since it vanished).

BusLogic makes some great SCSI controllers, is genuinely helpful and
supportive, and they don't charge as much.  If you want to get an EISA
SCSI controller, I'd definitely recommend a bt747s, which is pretty
much equivelant to a 1742.  If you're strapped for cash, a bt742a
should do ok, as well.  If you want absolute speed, the bt757 (wide)
is your ticket.

Why do I sound like a commercial?  I don't really care what you buy --
it's your business.  But every time I see someone throwing more money
at Adaptec, even though they actively supress the use of their
controllers on free unix, I have to cringe a little.  Your money
talks, both ways.  But, I guess I'm just too much of an idealist


 Michael L. VanLoon                 Iowa State University Computation Center                    Project Vincent Systems Staff
  Free your mind and your machine -- NetBSD free Un*x for PC/Mac/Amiga/etc.
