Subject: bug in routed; adds incorrect netmasks
To: None <>
From: Brad Parker <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/03/1994 23:10:13
I believe there is a bug in routed. It seems to add routes with very
odd (and incorrect) netmasks. It looks like a "cut and paste" error.
(I found this trying to get gated to work - gated dumped core on the
non-contig netmasks)
Try running "netstat -rAn" on your machine to see what I mean.
Here's the fix:
*** inet.c.orig Wed Aug 3 23:06:27 1994
--- inet.c Wed Aug 3 23:06:33 1994
*** 144,152 ****
} else if (IN_CLASSA(i)) {
} else if (IN_CLASSB(i)) {
! mask = i & IN_CLASSB_NET;
} else
! mask = i & IN_CLASSC_NET;
* Check whether network is a subnet;
--- 144,152 ----
} else if (IN_CLASSA(i)) {
} else if (IN_CLASSB(i)) {
! mask = IN_CLASSB_NET;
} else
! mask = IN_CLASSC_NET;
* Check whether network is a subnet;