Subject: Re: Adaptec 1742
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/05/1994 18:01:00
>>>Um... what do you think the bt742a and bt747s are? ;-)
>>I didn't think they were Adaptec 1742 compatible; that's why they have a
>>different driver, right? Or do you mean something else?
>OK, point well taken. I believe they started out as 1742 compatible
>(correct me if I'm wrong) but diverged. However, I believe they still
>will work with drivers that don't use every extended option of their
>command language.
They are compatible with the 1542B. The BusLogic 32bit "extended"
mode is incompatible with the 1742 32bit "extended" mode.
Christoph Badura Home +49 721 606137
Work +49 228 97024-45
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man muss auch unfaehig sein, sie auszudruecken. - Karl Kraus