Subject: Booting netbsd from a second SCSI disk.
To: None <>
From: Mr T Crummey (DIJ) <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/17/1994 18:59:31

Is it possible to boot Netbsd from a SCSI disk that is ID 1 or 2 (i.e. not
the first disk in the chain) without setting up a partition on the first
SCSI disk? I would like to be able to use something like os-bs to switch
booting between my two SCSI disks one at ID 0 and the other at ID 2 (ID 1
is a CDROM), one with DOS and the other with NETBSD-1.0Beta.

Please email any replies to me directly and I will summarize to the list.

Thanks for reading this.

  Tom Crummey,                      EMAIL: |      /\     
  University of Wales, Bangor,                                   |     /  \/\  
  School of Electronic Engineering Science,                      |  /\/    \ \ 
  Dean Street, Bangor,                    TEL: +44 (0)248 382806 | /  ======\=\
  Gwynedd, LL57 1UT, U.K.                 FAX: +44 (0)248 361429 |  B A N G O R