Subject: Re: MSDOS FS question [FAQ]
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/17/1994 16:11:31
Note: manpage alteration and -potential- bug report below.

While really really bored, John F. Woods wrote:
> "MS-DOS".  Which I discovered by typing "strings disklabel".  It would be
> nice if disklabel issued an error message when it doesn't recognize the
> fstype.

The manpage for "man 5 disklabel" probably needs to be adjusted:
     static char *fstypenames[] = {

> Since I was recently complaining about disklabel, I uncovered some things
> that others might want to have handy:  Though I couldn't find it
> documented anywhere, disklabel (on the 386) assumes that partition 'd'

Yeah, I learned that the hard way, too, although I think it's in the FAQ or
similar documentation now.

> I have been able to mount and read my 120MB DOS partition, but I guess
> I'm glad I haven't tried to write it yet...  :-)

Since we're on the subject, where is this madness coming from?:

***start log***
root@localhost bash# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0a /mnt/fd
root@localhost bash# cd /mnt/fd
root@localhost bash# ls
root@localhost bash# cp ~vax/tmp/dos/sounds/ .
Oct 17 16:04:57 localhost /netbsd: fd0: write failed st0 40<abnrml> st1 10<data_
overrun> st2 0 cyl 9 head 0 sec 13
Oct 17 16:04:57 localhost /netbsd: blkno 336 skip 0 cylin 9 status 40
Oct 17 16:04:58 localhost /netbsd: fd0: seek failed st0 c2<invld,abnrml> cyl 0
Oct 17 16:04:58 localhost /netbsd: fd0: write failed st0 44<abnrml,top_head> st1
 10<data_overrun> st2 0 cyl 9 head 1 sec 13
Oct 17 16:04:58 localhost /netbsd: blkno 354 skip 0 cylin 9 status 44
Oct 17 16:04:58 localhost /netbsd: fd0: seek failed st0 c3<invld,abnrml> cyl 0
Oct 17 16:05:10 localhost /netbsd: fd0: write failed st0 40<abnrml> st1 10<data_overrun> st2 0 cyl 26 head 0 sec 3
Oct 17 16:05:10 localhost /netbsd: blkno 938 skip 0 cylin 26 status 40
Oct 17 16:05:10 localhost /netbsd: fd0: seek failed st0 80<invld> cyl 16
root@localhost bash#
***end log***

Yes, I have MSDOSFS in my kernel..
1) This seems to occur more often when I run other things, switch screens, etc.
2) If I use "dd" to copy it over, it doesn't error (but it takes forever!) with
512-byte blocks, when I get up to 2k blocksize, it generates more of these
3) doomsnd is about 1.2MB in length.  fd0a is a 1.44MB drive.  Occasionally,
   enough errors cause it to stop copying about 100k before the end of the
   file, and cp says:
   "cp: no such file /mnt/fd/"

About the /dev/audio thing: it's because my card isn't being recognized at
boot.  It's a PAS-16, that's why.  My bad.
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