Subject: Re: Kernel include files
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: current-users
Date: 01/04/1995 19:03:55
>> cd /usr/include
>> ln -s /sys/sys sys
>> ln -s /sys/netinet netinet
>> etc.
>> Is there a better way?
> Yuck ... cd /usr/src/include; make install
> That should make sure all the includes are up to date and installed
> correctly.

Actually, I've been thinking that this is also "yuck" for some time.

It would be nice to have a way to do a "make build" (or equivalent steps)
without having to overwrite your existing "/usr/include" tree with a -current
tree in order to build a -current kernel/userland.  In other words, the
existing build is pretty much self-contained within the "/usr/src" tree (or
wherever you're building from), it would be nice if it was totally
self-contained.  Of course, I don't know how hard it would be to do this, since
I'm sure the compiler might want to still search "/usr/include" even if you've
somehow recursively fed it "-I/usr/src/include".

If I'm running 1.0 (which I am, on a SPARCstation IPC at work) and want to
risk the waters and try building a -current system, the last thing I want to
do is overwrite my existing 1.0 include (and/or others) tree so that I can't
go back to building 1.0-based executables.

(Yes, I know I can save the 1.0 tree to "/usr/include-1.0" or somesuch first,
 and move it back into place later; I was just saying "it would be nice to have
 a way" to do the -current build without having to do such things.)

Is there any hope of doing builds without "cd /usr/src/include; make install"
first?  (If there isn't, a brief explanation of why is fine.  Thanks.)

	- Greg