Subject: X changed ATI with cirrus
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gerd Truschinski <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/16/1995 02:04:43
iCould anyone send me a working XF386config for a Diamond Speedstar PRO
which is a VLB board? My monitor is a EIZOT560. I have just changed
from an ATI. Is it a good idea? I have read the 'FAQs' but they didn't
say any usefull. Only that this card is not a good choise for a good
monitor. Maybe someone could help me.
/gT/ who had changed his i386/33 board for a 486/66 board.
Gerd Truschinski | INTERNET:
c/o GMD-First Berlin | Yes, this is the sort of scenario I
12489 Berlin-Adlershof | think up to amuse myself in the evenings.
Rudower Chausee 5 (13.7) | -- with confirmation from Larisa