Subject: QUESTION about the mcd (I386) non-scsi driver?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/22/1995 22:09:34
	I have an external CDROM player that was sold by DAK several
years ago and which interfaces with some 8-bit card.  The card and the
cdrom use some sort of cabling scheme in which more than one drive can be
dasy chained together.  The CDROM player itself is a Sony one speed
	My question is: can anyone tell me what this thing is?  Does anyone
know if the mcd driver can be made to work with it, or if anyone has
already made a driver work with it under NetBSD 1.0?  I currently get:
mcd0: timeout waiting for getreply.  This is after configuring the kernel
to the same i/o space and interrupt vector that the card has. (I have the
	Any suggestions, things to look for, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
