Subject: Re: order of compiling/variables for -current
To: Greg A. Woods <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/02/1995 14:56:37
>[ On Thu, March 2, 1995 at 04:52:17 (-0800), Alistair G. Crooks wrote: ]
>> Due to some masochistic compulsion, I've just done this, and these
>> are the steps that I used (on the i386 platform):
>Why doesn't the top level Makefile do all of this properly (assuming you
>select the right pseudo-target for it to build)?
Because, I believe, the top-level Makefile is designed to rebuild a
static system (like one of the releases). It is not intended as a
tool for upgrading to interum sources.
I have a script I wrote that seems to do everything fairly well. I
don't know if it is capable of correctly building a system that is
severely behind current, but it works excellently for keeping current
with the on-going development sources.
For your amusement, here it is:
---------- >8 ----- begin /usr/src/utils/doall ----- 8< ----------
## !/bin/csh
setenv DOALL
setenv MAKEFLAGS '-k'
setenv BSDSRCDIR '/usr/src'
setenv BSDOBJDIR '/local/obj'
set ARCH='i386'
# Config filename:
set LOGFILE='/usr/src/utils/logs/build.log'
touch $LOGFILE
echo " " >> $LOGFILE
echo "Starting build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
if ( ! -f /usr/src/utils/.dosup ) then
echo "Skipping sup" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Starting sup (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/sup/
# Run custom sup script:
echo "Finished sup (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Starting preliminary updates (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " /usr/src/include/... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/include/
make clean obj depend all install
echo " making make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/usr.bin/make/
rm -f obj/.depend
make clean obj depend all install
echo " /usr/src/share/mk/... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/share/mk/
make clean obj depend all install
echo "Finished preliminary updates (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Starting main build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " making libraries... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/lib/
echo " src/lib/... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
if ( -f /usr/src/utils/.noclean ) then
echo " skipping make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make clean obj
echo " make depend... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make depend
echo " make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
# Do it again just in case we get a sig 11 somewhere:
echo " make (paranoid)... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make install... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make install
echo " src/gnu/lib/... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/gnu/lib/
if ( ! -f /usr/src/utils/.noclean ) then
make clean obj
make depend all install
ldconfig /usr/local/lib -v
# Use custom Makefile to build just gcc, gas, and ld:
#echo " making compilers... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
#cd /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/
#echo " make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
#make -f Makefile.compilers clean obj
#echo " make depend... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
#make -f Makefile.compilers depend
#echo " make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
#make -f Makefile.compilers
#echo " make install... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
#make -f Makefile.compilers install
foreach i ( bin sbin libexec usr.bin usr.sbin gnu share games )
echo " making /$i... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /usr/src/$i
if ( -f /usr/src/utils/.noclean ) then
echo " skipping make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make clean obj
echo " make depend... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make depend
echo " make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make install... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make install
echo " making pcvt utils... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /sys/arch/i386/isa/pcvt/Util/
if ( -f /usr/src/utils/.noclean ) then
echo " skipping make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make clean obj
echo " make depend... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make depend
echo " make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make install... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make install
echo " making sys libraries... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /sys/
echo " make clean, obj... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make clean obj
echo " make depend... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make depend
echo " make... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo " make install... (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
make install
echo "Finished main build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Starting kernel build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
cd /sys/arch/$ARCH/conf
# Run custom kernel build script:
doconfig $CONFIG
echo "Finished kernel build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
echo "Finished build (`date`)" >> $LOGFILE
---------- >8 ----- end /usr/src/utils/doall ----- 8< ----------
Michael L. VanLoon
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