Subject: Re: Sup not working proplery ? ('old' parameter)
To: Andrew Wheadon <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <oskar@zappa.unna.Ping.DE>
List: current-users
Date: 04/24/1995 18:44:22
In message <>you write:
->As quite a few of you have noticed, wipux2 is not uptodate,
->So Why is sup not updating my files ?
->The Command-line I'm using is:
-> sup -Pvm /usr/lib/supfiles/coll.current >/tmp/sup.current.$id
->(Ignore the P that makes no difference.)
I ran into the same problem, and the only way to get sup to update the files
in question is either to delete them oder touch them into the past.
SUP apparently checks only for date stamps even with old specified.
->Do I have to delete all my src and resup ?
->Or should I delete the last.* or what ?
I would opt for the last one.
->I would appreciate an answer today since I want
->to check whether it works tommorrow before I go back
->to my last half a weeks of work in Switzerland.
Try that, it _should_ work although I havent tried it because of the costs
involved. I did a find /usr/src/ -size 2048c -a -type f | xargs rm
That fixed most files, only one in pcvt and math_emulate.c were corrupt but
not 2048 bytes long.
Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.