Subject: Re: xntpd
To: matthew green <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <oskar@zappa.unna.Ping.DE>
List: current-users
Date: 05/30/1995 20:10:29
->how long did you wait before coming to this conclusion ? xntpd tries
->to be smart, and normally takes some time (couple of hours?) before it
->will update the time. i used xntpd on netbsd 0.9a upto 1.0beta (i've
Because of this, one should use ntpdate before starting xntpd.
->since decided that rdate is good enough for me) without a problem.
I am using ntpdate only on -current, because I was not able to compile xntpd
with a local refclock (dcf77) and kenel-pll. So I just use ntpdate 4 times a
day, which gives me a drift of ~0.2 seconds around the current time. This
would be much better with a kernel-pll tunable by xntpd[ate].
Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.