Subject: Re: scsi subsystem information wanted...
To: Monroe Williams <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/02/1995 16:33:45
> What is the relationship between the file /usr/src/sys/scsi/README and
> reality?  It mentions a number of interesting things I haven't found

Probably good intentions, not very much more...

> anywhere else, including a program /sbin/scsi which supposedly allows
> probing for new scsi devices without rebooting.  Does this program
> actually exist?  (It's not apparent in the -current source tree.)

I was able to implement something like that (called it 'reprobe') just
opening /dev/rsd0c, and issuing the respective ioctl on it (in theory,
it should not be necessary to open any scsi device to tell it to 
reprobe, because there MIGHT not be any up yet, but that looks like a
chicken&egg problem..).

> Also, is anyone out there using removable-media scsi devices?  I've

If you count CD-roms in on that, sure. To allow removal, just 'umount' the
filesystem, eject it, replace with new media, and 'mount' again.

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