Subject: Sequential swap
To: None <>
From: Scott L. Burson <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/02/1995 18:05:08
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 1995 00:06:57 +0100
From: Olaf Seibert <>
Is it possible to configure the swap space such that it is used
sequentially instead of interleaved?
Currently, the 1.0 (i386, but I suppose that doesn't matter much)
kernel I'm running at work is using
config netbsd root on wd0a swap on wd0b and sd0b
The only other partition on wd0 is a backup partition that is normally
not mounted, i.e. file system usage of wd0 is light and fs usage of sd0
can be heavy. Therefore I would prefer all the swap space on wd0b to be
used before that on sd0b.
Did anyone ever reply to this message? I would like to do the same thing.
-- Scott