Subject: Re: problems rebooting NetBSD/i386 1.0A
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <is@Beverly.Rhein.DE>
List: current-users
Date: 06/25/1995 13:38:35
Kenneth Stailey ( wrote:
: It seems that roughly half the time "shutdown -r now" will hang on
: "Syncing disks..." with the sync operation complete. The kernel
: debugger shows that it's trapped within the bowels of vfs_umountall.
: I have seen this behavior for months now, probably when the earliest
: versions of vfs_umountall were beginning to take shape.
: I have never seen the system hang if you use "reboot" instead of
: "shutdown -r now".
: This happens to me a two fairly different PCs.
: Do other people see both of these behaviors?
I saw this a few times on NetBSD-Amiga as of 95may20 with a few later patches, and
even with cp /netbsd /dev/reload (which does syncing/unmounting of the disks,
loading of the new kernel, and jumping to it, without going through AmigaOS)
Ignatios Souvatzis