Subject: Re: Why is using "inline" as a variable name a parse error for our compiler?
To: David Jones <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/18/1995 11:43:31
[ On Tue, July 18, 1995 at 01:40:27 (-0400), David Jones wrote: ]
> Subject: Re:  Why is using "inline" as a variable name a parse error for our compiler?
> > Well yes.  NetBSD's cc is basically gcc, and in gcc "inline" is a
> > language keyword.  Renaming the variable is perhaps the most obvious
> > fix.  I don't know whether any include files use inline (if they do,
> > they should be changed to use __inline instead, because of exactly this
> > sort of thing); you might be able to compile with -Dinline=xinline or
> > some such, to rename the array.
> What about using either -ansi or -ansi -pedantic?
> I think -ansi disables most of the GNU extensions.

Using -traditional certainly should.  (And it should still work equally
well with most NetBSD code too, right guys? 0.0 ;-))

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 443-1734			VE3TCP			robohack!woods
Planix, Inc. <>; Secrets Of The Weird <>