Subject: Re: Where the hell is ...
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/10/1995 22:11:25
In message <>you write:
->basalt (thorpej) /usr/src/include 106% grep _PASSWORD_NOUID *
->pwd.h:#define _PASSWORD_NOUID        0x01    /* flag for no specified uid. */
->You need to re-install your include files.

I thought of that already, but:
oskar@zappa (22) > head /usr/src/include/pwd.h

/*      $NetBSD: pwd.h,v 1.7 1995/04/29 05:30:00 cgd Exp $      */

This is supped from my last sup's containing 
pwd.h were:

/var/log/sup.log.08.27:SUP Receiving file src/include/pwd.h
/var/log/sup.log.09.10:SUP Updating file src/include/pwd.h
/var/log/sup.log.09.10:SUP Updating file src/sys/compat/ibcs2/ibcs2_pwd.h

I'll try to delete it and do a fresh sup.


 					Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.
