Subject: Re: rpc.bootparamd vs. little-endian machines
To: None <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/11/1995 08:10:03
> Just to clarify ... it's an educated guess that the Sun PROMs are
> handling arp requests :-) I tested this by turning off all the other
> systems on the network (so they couldn't proxy), rebooting server,
> rebooting client. The server sent out an arp request, and got an
> answer. The only place the answer could have come from was the booting
> Sun, which hadn't yet tftp'd boot code (which is NetBSD boot code,
> anyhow, so it wouldn't have answered).
If I remember reading something a few years ago, this is done so that
you could net boot via a gateway that does not do proxy arp for each
diskless unit. I think. It is a bit vague in my head.
Peter Galbavy
@ Home phone://44/973/499465
in Wonderland