Subject: Re: sun-lamp CVS commits
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Kohl <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/12/1995 07:56:43
>>>>> "JTC" == JT Conklin writes:

JTC> jtc
JTC> Thu Oct 12 01:42:15 EDT 1995
JTC> Revision/Branch: netbsd-1-1
JTC> Modified Files:
JTC> 	param.h 
JTC> Log Message:
JTC> Updated for NetBSD for NetBSD 1.1.
JTC> Note that NetBSD constant was changed from the form YYYYMMR (where R
JTC> is release) to YYYYMM.  This makes it consistant with the convention
JTC> used by BSD, _POSIX_VERSION, _XOPEN_VERSION, etc. -- other constants
JTC> provided for similar purposes.
JTC> This change will break any code that uses the NetBSD constant in the
JTC> correct manner (ie ``#if NetBSD > 1994100'').  However, software that
JTC> uses this constant is rare and can be easily fixed if it is effected
JTC> by this change.


What's the point of having a version number that you can compare if you
don't maintain it consistently from release to release?  Consistency
with convention for other constants is not sufficient reason to break
the ability to reliably detect the system version.
