Subject: (was: Re: Suggestions for easing 1.1 i386 installations)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/12/1995 23:31:03
Since quite a few folk seemed interested I' figure I better mention
that the config tool I described earlier this week has been updated
_again_ :-)
The current version implements suggestions from a couple of people and
now works on HP-UX (A.09.05) though apart from md5, you must have GNU
find (gfind) installed in your config tree for HP-UX to work.
Look for:
MD5 ( = 26dcc743b8846a4c78ed08826d97c281
MD5 (config-sh-1.02.tar.gz) = 8e3e60d993251d4baf5b01d399ea0edf
MD5 (configs-example.tar.gz) = 3822e92b886d38691162355285db013d
MD5 ( = 83db7f426d7326d5684e4e97d86ccdd1 is included in config-sh-1.02.tar.gz as well.
configs-example.tar.gz now contains HP-UX/usr/share/mk/ too.
I promise to stop fiddling with it now (for a while at least :-)