Subject: swap leakage?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/03/1995 08:54:16
Ok, you could say I've been really slack - I'm still running -current 950818.

I suspect that this version has a swap leak.  Zen has been up 21
days and has used 95% of its swap with only 100 processes (a few are
3M in size but most are quite small).

Total in-use memory is 37464K, yet the swap space used
is 54440K that's a discrepency of about 30%.

The command I used to measure memory in use was:

TERM=dumb top 1000 |  tr -d 'K' | grep '%' | 
	awk 'BEGIN { tot=0 } { tot += $5 } END { print "Total = " tot "K" }'

and compare that to pstat -s


sh ~/bin/                                                 
Total = 38644K
sjg:10215$ pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/wd0b       32640    30804     1836    94%    Interleaved
/dev/sd0b       24488    23652      836    97%    Interleaved
/dev/sd1b           0  *** not available for swapping ***
/dev/sd2b       32668  *** not available for swapping ***
Total           57128    54456     2672    95%

I'd be interested to know if anyone is running later snapshots with
decent uptimes gets better results.
