Subject: Re: NCR driver (Was Re: Adaptec 2940 PCI support? )
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/07/1995 08:19:36
In message <>you write:
> > it prints the list of devices on the SCSI bus during the kernel boot, it
> > claims that my CD-ROM drive is empty, even when it's not:
> Apparantly people with AHA1542 type SCSI controllers don't have any
> problems, so maybe some timeout stuff in the NCR driver needs tweaking?
There are other drivers affected too, though I can speak only for AHA1742.
So it's likely to assume there is some timeout problem in the generic scsi
probe routine.
Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.