Subject: Re: Drive Numbering...
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Neil J. McRae <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/16/1995 09:56:48
> I'd have to agree on this point. Many other UN*Xen use
> something like c201d3s0 to be the device for SCSI address 3 sub 0
> (201 is some form of hardware path) that our HP here uses.
> Worse, IMHO, is the fact that you might have to recompile your
> kernel to change what drives you're swapping to. 'Course we really
> need an overhaul there, too, to add file swapping and the ability to
> add/subtract swap.
NetBSD can use vnd's for file swapping, and I've yet to see a system, Unix
or otherwise, that can switch of swap once it has been allocated as such.
Neil J. McRae. Demon Internet
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