Subject: Re: Directory permissions on 1.1 i386 directories on ftp.NetBSD.ORG
To: Peter Svensson <>
From: Brian Moore <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/03/1995 17:53:56
> On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, John Nemeth wrote:
> > On Dec 2,  9:27am, der Mouse wrote:
> > } Of course, that's not to say the directories' modes shouldn't be
> > } changed.  Installation tars should as universally compatible as
> > } possible, and catering to this particular bug is easy and doesn't break
> > } anything else.
> > 
> >      It breaks security on the FTP server.  You should never have
> > owner writeable directories on an FTP server (except for the upload
> > area).
> Why is that? As long as the owner isn't ftp, there should be no problem 
One other problem with having directories set without owner write permissions
is that when your are using sup to mirror  If sup decides that
the time stamps on some files have changed and tries to bring them down, sup
will scream about not being able to delete the files.  This happened with the
NetBSD-1.0 directory when moved.  Quite a pain.
