Subject: Re: A Polite Data Appeal (16k)
To: None <, source@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Shupak <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/22/1995 12:45:11



to the following short survey about your use of the Internet and related
background questions.  Findings will be used to develop a statistical
summary of Internet users.  This email is from HF Consulting of Virginia. 

If you participate, we'll share with you survey highlights.  If you do not
participate, simply delete this response, or preferably, scroll to the end
of the survey, and check off your reason for not wanting to participate,
and then we can delete your address from our sample file, and thereby
avoid further contacts. 


We are committed to protecting your privacy, so your responses to the
survey are for aggregate statistical research ONLY.  Note that your email
address was developed randomly from across millions of possible Internet
email addresses. 

Let me emphasize that we are not selling anything, nor will you ever be
contacted as a result of this survey for purposes of being sold anything. 

We truly appreciate your willingness to consider our request and hope
you'll decide to take the next 12-15 minutes to complete our

Thanks very much.    B. Hersey 

Survey Response Instructions.....

Please reply to this survey-request message by email. First copy it, then
make the sender address become the recipient address. (Many email
applications do this automatically via the REPLY command.) Then, place
your answer to each question between the en closed double asterisks
(e.g.,** your response **) that matches each question.  Please respond
ASAP within 7 days of the send date. 


Current Usage 

Business Use


Which of the following types of business activities do you use now or plan
to use in the next 6 months? (score with one of the three letters from the
list below;  score B, plan to use, only for activities NOT currently
	A) Use now, 
	B) Plan to use 
	C) Neither use nor plan to use:

1	  (**   **)  Online research
2	  (**   **)  Communicate with clients/customers
3	  (**   **)  Obtain business product information--pre-purchase
4	  (**   **)  Access customer service for products purchased
5	  (**   **)  Track shipments
6	  (**   **)  Exchange documents and files with co-workers
7	  (**   **)  Work collaboratively with co-workers via 
		groupware (i.e. Lotus Notes)	
8	  (**   **)  Download software
9	  (**   **)  Obtain professional training
10 	  (**   **)  Communicate internationally 
11	  (**   **)  Obtain daily business-related news

Investment Issues.  
 Some of our respondents have noted to us their concern
over supplying financial information via email to unknown parties.  We
understand these concerns.  Our questions below avoid asking specific or
sensitive information; however, if the questions cause you any concern,
feel free to skip over them. 


Do you invest in any of the following?  Score with one of the four letters
from the list below:  Y for Yes N for No D for Do Not Know R for Refuse

1	  (**   **)  Common Stocks		
2	  (**   **)  Money market funds
3	  (**   **)  Bonds	
4	  (**   **)  IRA, Keoghs or other individual retirement accounts
5	  (**   **)  Mutual funds accounts



To trade investments, do you use :
Score each of the four questions with one of the four letters from the list 

Y  for Yes
N  for No
D  for Do Not Know
R  for Refuse Answer

1	  (**   **)  Do you use a full service broker? 
2	  (**   **)  Do you use an online broker?	
3	  (**   **)  Do you use a discount broker?
4	  (**   **)  Do you use a Bank?



Which of the following software packages, if any, do you use to help
manage your investment portfolio?  Score with one of the four letters from
the list below:  Note, if you do not use ANY financial software of any
kind, you may skip this question-set 2.3, and proceed on to 2.4 . 

Y  for Yes
N  for No
D  for Do Not Know
R  for Refuse Answer

1	  (**   **)  Quicken/Intuit		
2	  (**   **)  Equalizer (Charles Schwab)
3	  (**   **)  Microsoft Money			
4	  (**   **)  Managing Your Money
5	  (**   **)  Fidelity Online Express (FOX)		
6	  (**   **)  C/A Simply Money (Computer Associates)
7	  (**   **)  Streetsmart (Charles Schwab)		
8	  (**   **)  Other software
9	  (**   **)  Reality/Reuters



How would you rate your interest in the following online banking
capabilities:  Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is *very interested*,
and 1 is *not interested* please tell us how interested you would be in
using the Internet for: 

1 (**  **) integrated online banking and communications 
2 (**  **) email your banks customer service representatives 
3 (**  **) PC videoconference with bank customer service, loan officers, etc. 
4 (**  **) pay bills 
5 (**  **) transfer funds between accounts 
6 (**  **) check account balances



Given the level of Internet security available today, how willing are you
to make purchases over the Internet today by providing credit card
information online.  Please use a 1-10 scale where 10 = totally willing
and 1= totally unwilling. 

  (**   **)  level of willingness



Given what you have heard about expected improvements in Internet
security, and, again using the scale from 1 to 10 where 10 is TOTALLY
WILLING, please tell us how willing you would be to use the Internet
within the next six to 12 months in order to: 

1 (**   **)  Transfer funds among your bank accounts
2 (**   **)  Purchase personal products with credit card
3 (**   **)  Purchase business products with business credit 
4 (**   **)  Buy used personal equipment and goods from other Internet 



There are a number of companies (Digicash, Cybercash, First Virtual) that
are in the process of developing third party channels for setting up
Internet debit accounts.  These accounts would enable you to keep funds in
a separate account that could be debi ted when making a purchase (much
like an electronic checking account).  This account would be independent
from your regular banking accounts.  How interested would you be in this
type of payment capability? 

  (**   **)   Score with one of the three letters below:

	A	  Very interested 
	B	  Somewhat interested	
	C	  Not interested	


New Applications


Numerous new interactive applications, such as the 17 examples listed
below, have become available or will soon become available on the
Internet.  Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is *most interested*, and
1 is *least interested*, please tell us how interested you would be in
using the Internet (NOT a commercial online service, such as CompuServe,
AOL, or Prodigy, etc.) to obtain: 
1	  (**   **)  insurance policy features and prices		
2	  (**   **)  games played with other online users 
3	  (**   **)  automobile features and prices     
4	  (**   **)  reviews of TV shows
5	  (**   **)  reviews of music releases		
6	  (**   **)  sports and player information
7	  (**   **)  concert reviews & schedules		
8	  (**   **)  movie reviews 			
9	  (**   **)  adult education information	
10	  (**   **)  online banking			
11 	  (**  **)  health and medical information from your own doctor's office
12	  (**   **)  buying/selling stocks & bonds 			
13	  (**   **)  brokerage account information		
14 	  (**   **)  health and medical information from a pharmaceutical 
15	  (**   **)  financial planning/advice				 
16	  (**   **)  account information from your gas or electric utility
17	  (**   **)  vacation/resort information


Health or Medical Issues


How would you rate your interest in the following 9 online health/medical
capabilities:  Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is *very interested*,
how interested you would be in using the Internet to obtain information
	1   (**   **)  fitness and diet
	2   (**   **)  stress management
	3   (**   **)  child development
	4   (**   **)  prescription drugs
	5   (**   **)  fitness equipment
	6   (**   **)  food supplements
	7   (**   **)  health insurance
	8  (**   **)  diseases (cancer, heart disease)
	9  (**   **)  sports or other injuries



Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is *most interested*, how interested
you would be in using the Internet to obtain information on: 

1	(**   **)  consult or chat with an online healthcare provider
2 	(**   **) consult or chat with others who share your same injury 
	or illness
3 	(**   **) be remotely monitored by a healthcare provider 
	(e.g., using heart or blood pressure monitors in order 
	to avoid traveling to a hospital or clinic)
4	(**   **)  purchase health-related products & services


Community Service Issues


The Internet is increasingly being used for community service functions. 
Using the scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is *most interested* please tell us
how interested you would you be in using the Internet for: 

1	(**   **)  Voting and referendums on public issues
2	(**   **)  Community forum discussions on public issues
3	(**   **)  Communicating with your public representatives
4	(**   **)  Local volunteer activity listings
5	(**   **)  School bulletin boards that link parents and pre-K 
	to 12th grade schools
6	(**   **)  Adult education bulletin boards
7	(**   **)  Directories for community services
8	(**   **)  Hospital bulletin boards that provide information on
	 friends & relatives
9	(**   **)  Bulletin boards that provide community health issue 
	news (i.e. vaccinations, flu shots, screenings, food poisonings, 
	recalls, etc.)



If you were to have Internet access to those new services (as described in
the previous questions) that you indicated you were most interested in,
would you be willing to pay for those services or information?  

(**   **)  Score with one of the four letters below. 

A	 Yes, a nominal fee on a per use basis
B	 Yes, a monthly subscription fee for unlimited access
C	 No
D	 Do Not Know


WEB Sites


Does you publish your own home page/web site?
  (**   **)  
Y  for Yes; 
N  for No; 
D  for do not know


If you do publish your own home page and/or web site, is it for business
or casual use?  (** **) Score with one of the three letters below

A  personal or casual use home page/site
B  business home page/site
C  Both business use and casual use

Online Service Usage


If you use a commercial online service, what percent of your total online
service use is for each of the following functions?  Leave blank and skip
over question section 7.1, if you do not use any commercial online service
(such as AOL, CompuServe, or Prodigy). 

1	  (**   **)  % email inside the proprietary service
2	  (**   **)  % file transfers inside the proprietary service
3	  (**   **)  % accessing external Internet sites or services (web,
  	  FTP, Usenet, gopher, etc.) from inside the commercial online 	
4	  (**   **)  % Other activities
The total should add to 100%.  Remember to use a whole number, not a decimal,
in the reply spaces above.


Has using the Internet led you to increase, decrease, or not affected the
total amount of time per month that you spend using commercial online
service (such as AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy)?  (**   **) Score with one of the
four letters below. 

	A	Increased use of commercial online service
	B	Decreased use of commercial online service
	C	No effect
	D	Do not Know /Not Sure



If you are planning to change Internet access providers, or add an
additional Internet access provider service, which one below are you most
likely to start using?  

(**   **) Score with a letter from the list below. 

A	Local Internet dial-up service provider (ISP)
B	National Internet service provider, such as Netcom, PSI,or BBN
C	America Online (AOL)
D	AT&T Interchange
E	Prodigy
F	Microsoft Network
G	CompuServe
H	eWorld (Apple Computer network)
I	Delphi
J	Other


If you are considering using a new Internet access provider, which of the
following are reasons why you are considering switching to a new Internet
access provider?  Score your first and second choice reasons from the
letters in the list below. 

First choice reason for switching  (**   **)  
Second choice reason for switching  (**   **)  

A	Get a flat monthly service charge
B	Get multiple screen names
C	Local access from any place in the country
D	Friends or relatives use it
E	Customers use it	
F	Reputation of service provider
G	Some other reason
H	Want same provider at home as at office

Integrated Services Digital Network  (ISDN)


Have you ever heard of ISDN?  (Integrated Services Digital Network) - An
all digital network service available from some telephone companies that
allows you to communicate by computer at faster speeds than by using an
ordinary modem, and allows for multiple lines over existing phone

Score with a Y for Yes; an N for No; and D for Do not know
  (**   **)  



How likely are you to begin using ISDN services in the next 12 months? 
(**   **) Score from the letters below. 

A	Very likely		
B	Somewhat likely		
C	Not likely 		
D	Do not Know

Phone and Cable TV Usage


What is your average total monthly household telephone bill?  
  (**   **)  $/Mo.		
Leave unanswered if you do not know.  


How much of your total monthly phone bill is for long distance services?  
  (**   **)  $/Mo.		
Leave unanswered if you do not know.  


 Approximately how many times in the past 12 months have you personally
used Pay Per View services?  If NONE, put 0. 
  (**   **)  	
Leave unanswered if you do not know.  



Approximately how many times in the past 12 months have you personally
ordered products from TV shopping? If NONE, put 0.  If you do not know,
leave the reply space empty. 
  (**   **)  number of times shopping from TV in past year		


Household Demographics


How many individuals in total, including yourself, live in your household?  
  (**   **)   number of individuals



Which of the six community sizes below would you say BEST describes the
area where you live? 
  (**   **)   
		A	a city over a million people
		B	a city of 100,000 to 1 million people
		C	a nearby suburb (within 20 miles) of a city 
		D	a distant suburb of a city  (20-50 miles)
		E	a town of less than 100,000 people
		F	a rural area
		G	Do not Know



How would you best describe your ethnic background?  (** **) Score from
the list below. 

A	  Asian/Asian-American
B	  black/African-American
C	  Hispanic/Central/South American/Hispanic-American	
D	  white/ European American
E	  other
F	  none of your business....

****************END WAVE 1A*********************** 

Do You Continue to be willing to Participate In Additional Online
QUESTIONNAIRES?  If so, we will enter your name once for every additional
participation in a prize drawing. 

Score with a Y for Yes;  N for No  :
(**   **) 

IF you wish to be REMOVED from our respondent list, place the letter L for
LEAVING in this space (**L**).  Otherwise, mark an S for STAYING, or just
leave blank. 

 We will reply with result highlights and another drawing prize winner in
a few days.  Thanks again for your help.