Subject: Re: kernel & libkvm [was IIci success]
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/14/1996 14:11:51
On Jan 13, 3:32pm, der Mouse wrote:
> As far as the symbol table eating up memory goes, I just had a flash.
> How about kernfs opens /netbsd and checks it against the in-core kernel
> it sees, and if they match, it throws away all the stuff it doesn't
> need and generates a symlink to /netbsd; otherwise, it keeps it around
> (perhaps paging it, if someone wants to implement that) for perusal?
> Then if you keep your kernel in the standard place, you pay essentially
> no price (just a little code in kernfs); if not, you pay a price, but
> everything still works.
As someone (sorry, forgot who) mentioned before, what if you
move/remove/copy over /netbsd ? Back to square one...
I guess you could copy the symbols to a real file somewhere,
say /var/run/ksyms or somesuch, although how to do this simply
eludes me at the moment.
Simon Burge
UNIX Support, CPR Project, Telstra. +61 3 9634 3974
I've got a can opener at home. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't.
Sometimes it only goes half-way around, and then does a lap of honor - Jimeoin.