Subject: Re: Creeping Feature of the week...
To: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Roland C Dowdeswell <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/03/1996 00:10:08
On 823260999 seconds since the Beginning of the UNIX epoch der Mouse wrote:
>> If one could compile the native -11 code into native code, then maybe
>> one could just translate it into C? Perhaps not very efficient C
>> code... But then one would have a MI idea.
>Yessss...but that would mean constantly forking cc and then having to
>somehow run-time-load the resulting executable, because I don't know
>what portions of the -11's memory are code and which are data. The
>compiling into native code I was talking about above would be done
>on-the-fly, at run time, when the -11 attempted to execute
>not-yet-compiled code.
Oh, I think that I misunderstood you, I was thinking of a one off
translation. Not a kernel add-on. ;)
/* Roland C Dowdeswell