Subject: Re: Tcl7.5 and NetBSD-current
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/28/1996 10:04:47
> I believe it's the standard that is broken, and should be fixed.
> There's no point in defining special types when you don't provide a
> methode to display them.
Well, I think saying "[t]here's no point" is overstating the case, but
I agree with the basic idea, that not providing anything better for
display than picking them apart byte-by-byte is a Bad Thing.
> Not only off_t is affected, but also size_t, pid_t, gid_t, uid_t etc.
The C standard does not mention any of those except size_t, I think.
Which standard are we talking here? C, POSIX, something else?
> It's not guaranteed that any of those can be casted to int/u_int or
> long/u_long.
I think all of the ones you mention are required to be integer types of
some sort, in which case they can be cast to any integer type. (Unless
you mean without loss of information, of course.)
der Mouse