Subject: Re: last night's kernel sup fails to compile
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/09/1996 18:47:19
Chris_G_Demetriou@NIAGARA.NECTAR.CS.CMU.EDU writes:
> I dare say that either your sup, or the sup update on,
> did not properly complete, or "something" was inconsistent w/them.
> The changes were all checked in early enough to be sure that they were
> all in time to for the sup update, and they were all checked in.
> it looks like your <dev/isa/isavar.h> was not updated; was it?
No, it was not updated, but I have done another sup and I am
completely sure that I am up to date. must be behind or
something similar must be wrong.