Subject: RE: Here comes the Suns
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/21/1996 14:01:27
  If you include your e-mail address, you can receive direct
responses to your questions...

  It has been my experience that bringing up a questionable Sun
is easier if you only debug one problem at a time.  My SS1 was
junked in a warehouse before I got it.  No OS and no screen
output (blown BrookTree VideoDAC.)  I got it working by
unplugging the screen and the keyboard and using a RS232 terminal
on ttya.

  I don't know about the Sun 3/60 but the SS1 tries to use the
console and built-in keyboard if it finds them.  If it doesn't
find them it defaults to ttya at 9600 bps.  During various parts
of the boot sequence, it uses either 7 data bits, even parity, 1
stop bit, or (most of the time) 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop

  If you see a ttya port on the back of your Sun, I would suggest
plugging in a RS232 terminal, unplugging the keyboard, and
unplugging the monitor.  Note, my monitor used the funky D-type
of connector with the coax connections inside the D connector and
therefore had access to monitor present TTL info.  

  Try the above, if you don't see anything on the RS232 terminal,
try a null modem.  There is a procedure to figuring out if the
null modem is needed or not.  Let me know if you want it.

  If you still don't see anything on the RS232 terminal, you
might consider removing the video card.  That should force the
boot PROM's to realize that the tty ports are the only I/O

  Note, if you don't have a ttya port on the back of your Sun,
ignore everything except the first paragraph of this e-mail. 
Good luck and have fun....

Steven Grunza
voice:  (609) 234 - 5020 ext 3101
fax:    (609) 234 - 5242

  You are using a static dissipative wrist strap while working on
these machines, right?