Subject: Re: netbsd machines get slow and hang, nfs suspected
To: Charles M. Hannum <mycroft@mit.EDU>
From: James R Grinter <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/28/1996 17:59:33
On Thu 28 Mar, 1996, "Charles M. Hannum" <> wrote:
>> it would be very useful for anyone doing any significant amount
>> of network server stuff with NetBSD - the CLOSE_WAIT and other fixes
>> outlined to in TCP/IP illustrated volume 3 require the Lite2 patches
>> to be incorporated too.
>Well, I personally put the CLOSE_WAIT patch in. Perhaps you should
>check before you comment...
I was attempting to talk generally - in that we wanted to know if
the TCP lite2 code was in there. Now I know that it is, and that's
-- jrg.