Subject: Re: Sparc/ELC's SLC's for sale
To: None <>
From: Niklas Hallqvist <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/30/1996 08:49:34
>>>>> "Christos" == Christos Zoulas <> writes:

Christos> I have 8-10 ELC's and 2 SLC's with 16Mb each that are just
Christos> taking space in our inventory room, and space in New York is
Christos> expensive. They are all in working order. I cannot just give
Christos> them away, but I can take reasonable offers (I consider
Christos> around $500+shipping reasonable).

Christos> Any takers?

Possibly.  It depend on how much shipping to Sweden would be, I guess.
Are there more to be know about these boxes?  If the shipping overhead
isn't too high, I can prolly buy some of them?  Are they switchable
between US (110V/60 Hz) and European (220V/50 Hz) power feed?  If not
I can prolly fix them myself, but it would be nice to know...


Niklas Hallqvist       Phone: +46-(0)31-40 75 00  Home: +46-(0)31-41 93 95
Applitron Datasystem   Fax:   +46-(0)31-83 39 50  Home: +46-(0)31-41 93 96
Molndalsvagen 95       Email:     GSM:  +46-(0)70-714 10 35
S-412 63  GOTEBORG     WWW:   Here
Sweden		       IRC:   niklas (#NetBSD)