Subject: .nfs files with old NFS?
To: Current Users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/10/1996 14:35:32
NFS server: i386 running a 960210 kernel
NFS client: Sparc running a 960210 kernel
On client:
jmarin@pyy src/port %(123)rm -rf nn-6.5.0.b3
rm: nn-6.5.0.b3: Directory not empty
jmarin@pyy src/port %(124)la nn-6.5.0.b3
total 16
drwx------ 2 jmarin wheel 3584 Apr 10 14:32 .
drwx------ 25 jmarin wheel 1536 Apr 10 14:30 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jmarin wheel 10204 Apr 10 14:25 .nfsA0e604.4
I have seen this twice now. If I log on the server and do rm there, I get
rid of the files, but if I do rm on the client, the files don't go away.
I thought this was a problem with the NFS3 code, but kernels this old should
only have NFS2, right?
Has this been fixed by now?
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