Subject: Re: dd and pipe question
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/14/1996 02:00:00
Travis Hassloch writes:
>gzip -dc foo.tar.gz | dd ibs=10240 obs=10240 conv=sync of=/dev/tape

You do NOT want conv=sync.  It pads every *input* record to ibs.  So
for every short read on the input, you get pad bytes added to make up
for ibs.

According to Chris Torek[1] dd behaves as follows:

  dd if=x of=y

is the same as:

  dd if=x of=y ibs=512 obs=512

which means: open files x and y, then loop doing read(fd_x) with a
byte count of 512, take whatever you got, copy it into an output
buffer for file y, and each time that buffer reaches 512 bytes, do a
single write(fd_y) with 512 bytes.

On the other hand:

  dd if=x of=y bs=512

means something completely different: open files x and y, then loop
doing read(fd_x) with a byte count of 512, take what you got, and do a
single write(fd_y) with that count.


So you want something like:

gzip -dc foo.tar.gz | dd obs=/dev/tape ibs=10k obs=10k

[1] The qoute is from an article posted to comp.unix.question on
4/3/1991 which I would have sworn I have saved somewhere but can only
find it as article 20.16 in "UNIX Power Tools".
Christoph Badura

You don't need to quote my .signature.  Everyone has seen it by now.
Besides, it doesn't add anything to the current thread.