Subject: Com problems persist
To: 'Current Users' <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Davyd Norris <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/22/1996 10:27:20
Hi all,

I am still experiencing character lossage over the com ports at higher speeds.  This is evident 
as frame errors and CRC errors during PPP sessions.

We are running NEtBSD-current kernel as of yesterday 20/05/96 with two MultiTech modems
hanging off 16550 com ports.
We have pppd running permanently on these ports with users authenticating using PAP.
At 115200 baud, the line is unusable, maximum data transfers being about 17k, at which point the
transfer stalls.
At 57600 they are much better but we still see frame errors.

The problem started shortly after Christmas and has persisted ever since.  I have had very successful
115200 lines going on the same machine previously, so I know the hardware and software used to 
be able to do it.

What are the patches people have been applying involving the TTYHOG parameter?  Is this for this
problem?  What changed at Christmas time?

Any ideas appreciated, as well as other peoples ppp/options, tty, and routing table files who are also
running dial in servers to make sure I am not buggering something else up!  I currently have to force
carrier detect to get the modems to hang up properly.  Anyone else have this problem?
