Subject: Re: CVS & sup
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/03/1996 18:05:01
der Mouse wrote:
> I don't remember if I asked this before, but I'd be interested in any
> scripts people were using with this combo.
Me too, me too... :)
> For example, I'd like to track my changes against part of the source that
> I sup (not all of /usr/src; I don't have that much disk space).
I would like to do something similar, but I'm not skilled enough with
CVS to know what process I should use. I was thinking of doing something
like this:
- initial import of entire source tree
- 'checkout' entire source tree into /.../src
- build full list of files in /.../src
- sup into /.../src
- build new list of files in /.../src
- 'cvs remove' whatever is missing
- 'cvs add' anything new
- 'cvs commit' to bring new changes into local repository
This _seems_ like it would allow me to get the latest SUP changes into
CVS without having to do a 'cvs import' every single day. I'm not sure
how to handle local changes this way though.