Subject: ccd and vnd together?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 07/03/1996 16:02:37
I had a minor run-in with vnd and ccd together; I constructed the
following as an example showing what goes wrong.
[Callisto] 21> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=10 of=file.0
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10485760 bytes transferred in 12 secs (873813 bytes/sec)
[Callisto] 22> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=10 of=file.1
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10485760 bytes transferred in 12 secs (873813 bytes/sec)
[Callisto] 23> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=10 of=file.2
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10485760 bytes transferred in 11 secs (953250 bytes/sec)
[Callisto] 24> vnconfig -c /dev/rvnd0c file.0
[Callisto] 25> vnconfig -c /dev/rvnd1c file.1
[Callisto] 26> vnconfig -c /dev/rvnd2c file.2
[Callisto] 27> ccdconfig ccd0 0 0 /dev/vnd0c /dev/vnd1c /dev/vnd2c
ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/ccd0c: Inappropriate ioctl for device
[Callisto] 28>
What am I missing here? Why won't ccd and vnd work together?
(In my initial use, the three files were different sizes and spread
across three filesystems; I wanted to store a huge file temporarily.
No single filesystem had enough space, but put together they did; I was
willing to pay the performance penalty....)
And yes, /dev/ccd0c is block special, with the correct major number for
the ccd driver. The kernel has 4 each vnd and ccd configured in.
In case it matters, this was on NetBSD/sparc, everything built from
June 10th sources. Somewhat patched, but my patches don't go near
either ccd or vnd....
der Mouse
01 EE 31 F6 BB 0C 34 36 00 F3 7C 5A C1 A0 67 1D