Subject: /usr/src/sbin/fsck{,_ffs} weirdness
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Trouble Free RecepPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/15/1996 19:57:54
I just did a sup recently, and it happily snarfed over /usr/src/bin/fsck
as well as /usr/src/sbin/fsck_ffs.
The interesting note is that fsck_ffs/preen.c had a diff I'd submitted
a while ago, while fsck did not.
Both directories were fully populated -- not linked -- and both were
timestamped with a ctime of July 8, the last time I sup'd the sources.
What happened?
Sun could have remained quite profitable by staying with BSD-based OSs, and
they wouldn't have pissed off NEARLY as many customers.