Subject: Re: setpwfile() deprecated. Why?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 07/17/1996 22:29:03
>> der Mouse
> [shouldn't that be "der Maus"? :-)]
If it were German, it would be "die Maus" - "Maus" is feminine, not
masculine, and hence takes "die", not "der".
But it's not supposed to be German. (It's actually a compression of a
name for me within my family that's sufficiently old that I no longer
recall where it came from, though I do suspect the "der" was taken from
German before I knew any German.)
>> 01 EE 31 F6 BB 0C 34 36 00 F3 7C 5A C1 A0 67 1D
> What's that last line? md5 sig?
[Collatz] 120> pgp -kvc 'der Mouse'
Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
pub 1024/1C7CB93D 1996/07/01 der Mouse <>
Key fingerprint = 01 EE 31 F6 BB 0C 34 36 00 F3 7C 5A C1 A0 67 1D
1 matching key found.
[Collatz] 121>
der Mouse
01 EE 31 F6 BB 0C 34 36 00 F3 7C 5A C1 A0 67 1D