Subject: Re: SCSI CD changers supported?
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: current-users
Date: 09/07/1996 03:37:24
>>> I've been trying to figure out how to get a Pioneer DRM-610 to work
>>> under NetBSD/i386. It's an old SCSI1 CD player, with a magazine that
>>> holds 6 disks, and hardware that can load one of them at a time into
>>> the player proper. It presents itself (probably erroneously) as having
>>> a full complement of 8 LUNs, but whichever of them I mount, I get the
>>> CD from the first slot of the magazine.
>> I suspect this might be a buglet in the CD-ROM. Many seem to report
>> multiple LUNs when they really are only at one.
>> Do you have the "ch" driver in your kernel? I would think that the
>> changer would use that, but I've been wrong many times before. :)
> Hmm. Quite some time ago we had such a drive here. If I remember correctly,
> the selection of the CDs from the various slots was indeed done via the LUN.
[Catching up on e-mail ... ]
For what it's worth, I have a Pioneer DRM-640 (I *think* it's a 640 ... )
installed on a NetBSD 1.2_BETA Pentium 120 PC equipped with an Adaptec 2940.
It also has the 6 CD magazine, and it shows up as a DRM-600:
NetBSD 1.2_BETA (SCIPIO) #0: Fri Jul 19 05:59:30 PDT 1996
CPU: Pentium (GenuineIntel 586-class CPU)
ahc0 at pci0 dev 5 function 0
ahc0: aic7870 Single Channel, SCSI Id=7, 16 SCBs
scsibus0 at ahc0
ahc0: target 6 synchronous at 5.0MHz, offset = 0xf
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 0: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
cd1 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 1: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
cd2 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 2: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
cd3 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 3: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
cd4 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 4: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
cd5 at scsibus0 targ 6 lun 5: <PIONEER, CD-ROM DRM-600, 2403> SCSI1 5/cdrom
... and it works as advertised: there are three CD-ROMs in it right now, and
I can mount them (from /dev/cd0a, /dev/cd1a, and /dev/cd2a respectively), and
it works just great! Czech it out:
scipio# mount -vrt cd9660 /dev/cd0a /mnt ; ls /mnt ; umount /mnt
/dev/cd0a on /mnt type cd9660 (local, read-only)
aareadme.txt* document/ neptune/ voldesc.sfd*
browse/ index/ other/ vtoc.sys*
calib/ label/ software/
scipio# mount -vrt cd9660 /dev/cd1a /mnt ; ls /mnt ; umount /mnt
/dev/cd1a on /mnt type cd9660 (local, read-only)
cc402hp7.tar* cx202sol.tar* oc202sol.tar* tc101sun.tar* vc250sun.tar*
cc402sol.tar* cx202sun.tar* oc202sun.tar* vc250hp7.tar* x11r5src.tar*
cc402sun.tar* oc202hp7.tar** vc250sol.tar*
scipio# mount -vrt cd9660 /dev/cd2a /mnt ; ls /mnt ; umount /mnt
/dev/cd2a on /mnt type cd9660 (local, read-only)
aareadme.txt* mg15sxxx/ mg45nxxx/ mi20nxxx/ mi45sxxx/
document/ mg20nxxx/ mg45sxxx/ mi20sxxx/ mi50nxxx/
gazetter/ mg20sxxx/ mg50nxxx/ mi25nxxx/ mi50sxxx/
index/ mg25nxxx/ mg50sxxx/ mi25sxxx/ scxxxxxx/
label/ mg25sxxx/ mi00nxxx/ mi30nxxx/ sexxxxxx/
mg00nxxx/ mg30nxxx/ mi05nxxx/ mi30sxxx/ software/
mg05nxxx/ mg30sxxx/ mi05sxxx/ mi35nxxx/ voldesc.sfd*
mg05sxxx/ mg35nxxx/ mi10nxxx/ mi35sxxx/
mg10nxxx/ mg35sxxx/ mi10sxxx/ mi40nxxx/
mg10sxxx/ mg40nxxx/ mi15nxxx/ mi40sxxx/
mg15nxxx/ mg40sxxx/ mi15sxxx/ mi45nxxx/
Admittedly this is a month-and-a-half old current, but ...
(I have the "ch" driver in my kernel config file, and I have a "/dev/ch0"
character device file, but how does one use it? Jason?)
- Greg