Subject: Re: Diaspora, politics, and MI
To: None <,>
From: Grey Wolf <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/1996 16:27:01
It looks like Jason Thorpe just described outlines for ways to go about
a MI implementation.
Chris, have you looked at making the top half MI while making the grunt
laborers MD? It's not an unheard-of premise...
[actually, I'm sure you must have looked at that concept by now, and you've
probably hit some performance problems; but it's REALLY hard to hit a MI
solution which doesn't suck performance-wise.]
ddb: greywolf.cow.c: 511: wp =(worm_t *(*)())(*greywolf)->func[OPENCANOFWORMS]\
((worm_t (*)()) cow_open, (worm_t *) can_of_worms) \
finally returns (worm_t) {
worm_t *worm = 0xc0ffee;
int nworms = 4492839200598829548;
func = 0xffe8900c (close());
flags = 0x00028000 (NOWYOUDIDIT|GOODLUCK);
ddb: greywolf.cow.c: 513: wp->func(main_worm) fails with EIO
panic: kernel cannot close large can of worms!
Well, you ran into something and the game is over.
Program terminated