Subject: Re: Mac<->Unix file mirroring
To: Julian Bean <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/01/1996 12:37:44
	We use CAP here quite heavily from an IRIX box to two macs without
	any problems (Well, no more than we get without CAP :)

	One option would be to compile a CVS server on elsie which
	uses a different directory than CVS - say MacCVS, then ensure
	CVS ignores the MacCVS dir & vica versa.

	Tacky, but short of running the solaris mac emulator or similar on
	a netbsd box, about the only way to do it :)

On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, Julian Bean wrote:

> Someone give me a good solution to this problem:
> I am working on a CVS controlled project.  This is project is hosted on a
> (Linux) machine called 'dragon'.
> I work on it on a (NetBSD) machine called 'elsie', which can compile the
> project happily.
> However, I want to actually do the file edits on my mac, as Symantec C++'s
> colour, structured code editor on my 16" system is preferable to vi on a
> black and white 12" screen.
> So, I need to get the files from the mac to 'elsie' after every edit.
> Initially, I was ftp'ing them up with Anarchie - but this was a pain, and
> not automatic.
> Then I tried actually editing them in situ using CAP.  This was painfully
> slow, and caused frequent crashes of my mac.
> I can't use MacCVS, although I have it, to go straight from the mac to
> dragon, and back to elsie, as that would mean a commit in every single
> edit-compile cycle - which is ridiculous.  And I can't seem to set up a CVS
> server on 'elsie' in the same file space as it says to itself "hang on,
> there's a CVS directory here, I'll use the info in that"...
> I just tried ftp'ing the other way - with an FTPd running on the Mac.  This
> does work, but it is hard to automate FTP which has user/password
> control....
> Am I missing an easy way to do this?
> Jules
> /----------------+-------------------------------+---------------------\
> |  Jelibean aka  |           |  6 Evelyn Road      |
> |  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
> |  Julian Bean   |                               |  TW9 2TF    *UK*    |
> +----------------+-------------------------------+---------------------+
> |  The 'net interprets censorship as damage, and routes around it.     |
> \----------------------------------------------------------------------/