Subject: Re: VPS mailing list, BSD interest?
To: James Graham <>
From: Poul-Henning Kamp <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/02/1996 23:12:28
In message <199610021649.JAA04598@siva>, James Graham writes:
>Poul-Henning Kamp verily doth sez:
># In message <199610010231.TAA26710@siva>, greywolf writes:
># >Poul-Henning Kamp sez:
># >#
># ># Yes we want this.
># >#
># ># >What, aside from extendable partitions, would LVM give us over CCD?
># >#
># ># Architecture instead of hacks.
># >
># >Methinks I detect a hint of elitism in that statement.
># Over here we call it "good taste" :-)
>This might explain the linguistic differences between internationally
>varied euphemisms :-).
>Glad to see you kept a good humour about it -- I was waiting for the flames,
>although I must warn that I have a fireproof cloak of magic resistance as
>well as a ring of fire resistance on my person at all times... :-)
>I don't think that the CCD stuff is a hack, exactly. True, it wasn't
>gloriously conceived, drafted, and architected over a period of years,
>but it DID provide some very necessary functionality.
>I must hold strong in support of Jason, though, in part because I've
>talked to him and he doesn't take stuff like this lightly -- he did
>the CCD in earnest and meant to do it well. It's basic, to be sure,
>but it _works_.
And I fully agree, but to compare it to a LVM or even suggest it can
do the same thing is preposterous...
Hey >I< run ccd!
>The other reason is that he just seems to make sense: Why would you want
>your root device striped? The KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid (in
>case anyone doesn't know :-))) seems to really apply, here: the less
>metadata, the better. I could see striping /usr, but not the partition
>from which I boot. That would just be too hairy.
See my other email on this, I don't want to enforce policy, I want to
provide mechanisms. You set your policy, I set my policy, the tools
just enforce/implement it.
Poul-Henning Kamp | phk@FreeBSD.ORG FreeBSD Core-team. | Private mailbox.
whois: [PHK] | TRW Financial Systems, Inc.
Future will arrive by its own means, progress not so.