Subject: Re: Current kernel has routing problems?
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Wiker, Raymond <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/17/1996 09:29:46
Curt Sampson writes:
> On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, Wiker, Raymond wrote:
> > BTW: Is there a way to set up pppd with demand-dialling and a
> > variable remote address?
> It can't be variable because the address must exist when you're not
> connected, so that you can have a route to it. When that route is used,
> pppd knows to bring the link up.
> However, this is a point-to-point line, so pppd shouldn't really
> care about the address of the other end. (It's not like it's got
> any other place to send the packets.) This is the case for the pppd
> in NetBSD 1.2, at least. So just set any address for the remote
> end. (I use the address of one of the three Portmasters I might
> connect to.)
Hmf. I tried something like this before 1.2 (and I think also
with the 1.2 sources for kernel and pppd). I couldn't get pppd to
accept the combination of demand-dialling and an unknown local address
- it set the local address to and refused to accept the peer's
value for the local address. I looked at the source, and the source
required *both* the local and remote addresses to be set for demand
dialling, and would not allow negotiation of addresses.
I've also done some experiments with ppp (iijppp), which seems
to work better in this respect. Alas, it doesn't compile under NetBSD
due to differences in the tunnel driver.